
Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS

Rp 15.999.000

(Promo Hingga 2 Maret 2025)

  • 24.3MP Full-Frame Exmor CMOS Sensor
  • 5-Axis SteadyShot INSIDE Stabilization
  • Enhanced Fast Hybrid AF and 5 fps Burst
  • Full HD XAVC S Video and S-Log2 Gamma
  • 3.0″ 1,228.8k-Dot Tilting LCD Monitor
  • XGA 2.36M-Dot OLED Electronic Viewfinder
  • Built-In Wi-Fi Connectivity with NFC
  • Lihat: Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan
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(19 customer reviews)

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Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS

Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS memiliki Resolusi Kamera 24.3MP dimana kualitas hasil foto nya setara dengan kamera DSLR seri Professional. Sony A7 Mark II merupakan kamera mirrorless pertama yang menggunakan fitur 5-axis stabilization.

Fitur ini menstabilkan jenis lensa apapun yang dipasangkan ke kamera, sehingga Anda dapat mengunakan shutter speed yang lebih rendah saat memotret tanpa menghasilkan gambar yang buram karena tangan bergetar (hand shake) saat mengambil foto.

Masih bingung dengan Produk ini?

   Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 mark II ini dapat aksesoris apa saja?
   Belum termasuk aksesoris. Paket penjualannya hanya dapat unit kamera, lensa kit, baterai, charger, dan neck strap.
   Garansi Kamera Sony A7 mark II nya gimana? Dan berapa lama garansinya?
   Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 mark II ini bergaransi Resmi (servis) Sony Indonesia, selama 1 tahun.
   Apa kelebihan kamera Sony A7 mark II?
   Sensor 24MP full frame, viewfinder, built-in image stabilization, wifi.
   Apakah layar touchscreen?
   Layar belum touchscreen.
   Apakah bisa dipasang microphone external?
   Bisa, ada port untuk memasang microphone external.
   Lensa Kamera Sony A7 mark II bisa dilepas diganti gak?
   Iya, lensa bisa dilepas dari body kamera atau lensa bisa diganti dengan lensa sony e-mount.
   Apakah sudah termasuk lensa 28-70mm atau hanya body only?
   Iya, sudah termasuk lensa kit 28-70mm.
   Berapa ukuran diameter filter buat lensa FE 28-70mm OSS?
   Apakah arti FE dan OSS pada lensa Sony?
   FE berarti lensa full frame, OSS (Optical Steady Shot) adalah type lensa Sony yang memiliki fitur agar pada saat pengambilan gambar ataupun video dapat lebih stabil dalam meredam getaran maupun gerakan-gerakan kecil yang tidak perlu.

Jual Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS

Dalam Box Kamera Sony A7 Mark II Kit ini sudah include dengan Lensa FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS dari Sony yang dapat menghemat pengeluaran uang anda untuk melengkapi gear anda.

Sony A7 Mark II juga memiliki desain ergonomi yang sangat baik, moisture, dan tahan debu dengan campuran body terdiri darimagnesium alloy dan mount lensa yang lebih kuat. Dan dengan algoritma yang disempurnakan serta utilisasi yang lebih baik dariprosesor gambar BIONZ X, Sony A7 Mark II memiliki sistem Fast AF Hybrid yang ditingkatkan yaitu sekitar 30% lebih cepat dari model sebelumnya bersama dengan tingkat burst 5 fps dengan continuous autofocu serta 40 % lebih cepat start time nya.

Selain itu, kamera ini juga dilengkapi lensa serbaguna, compact, dan ringan dengan wide-angle untuk lensa zoom potret-panjang yang dirancang khusus untuk kamera E-mount full-frame. Kompatibel juga dengan APS-C image sensor yang akan memberikan 35mm setara focal length range 42-105mm. Dalam hal desain optik, tiga elemen aspherical dan satu extra-low dispersion element dapat membantu mengurangi aberration dan distorsi yang berkontribusi untuk ketajaman gambar lebih jelas.

Lensa ini juga mengintegrasikan Optical SteadyShot image stabilization untuk mengurangi munculnya guncangan pada kamera ketika bekerja dalam kondisi minim cahaya atau dengan focal length panjang. Selain itu, juga memiliki ketahanan terhadapa debu dan kelembaban yang memastikan lensa ini dapat digunakan dalam kondisi lingkungan yang sulit.

Fitur Utama

  • 24.3 MegaPixel Full-Frame Exmor CMOS Sensor
  • BIONZ X Image Processor
  • 5-Axis SteadyShot INSIDE Stabilization
  • Enhanced Fast Hybrid AF and 5 fps Burst
  • Full HD XAVC S Video and S-Log2 Gamma
  • 3.0″ 1,228.8k-Dot Tilting LCD Monitor
  • XGA 2.36M-Dot OLED Electronic Viewfinder
  • Weather-Resistant Magnesium Alloy Body
  • Refined Grip & Robust Lens Mount
  • Built-In Wi-Fi Connectivity with NFC
  • Sudah termasuk lensa FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS

Deskripsi lanjutan Sony Alpha 7 Mark II (English)

World’s first 5-axis in-body image stabilization in a full-frame camera.

Jual Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Toko Kamera Surabaya Jakarta

Reduce blur caused by camera shake from five different directions—vertical, horizontal, pitch, yaw and roll—as opposed to only two in previous systems. The 5-axis image stabilizing system excels during video recording and even compensates for blur caused by the photographer walking or running. It’s a true marvel of engineering.

Use your favorite lenses with minimized blur from camera shake.

Jual Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Toko Kamera Surabaya Jakarta

With image stabilization built it into the body of the camera itself, mounted lenses—even A-mount or non-Sony lenses using an adaptor 2—can utilize the 5-axis image stabilization for both still images and video. It even enhances lenses that already have optical image stabilization systems.

Full-frame, 24.3MP resolution.

Jual Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Toko Kamera Surabaya Jakarta

Capture stunning images with 24.3MP resolution, a 35mm full-frame sensor, a normal sensor range of ISO 100–25600, and a sophisticated balance of high-resolving power, gradation and low noise. The BIONZ® X image processor enables up to 5 fps high-speed continuous shooting and high-50Mb/s XAVC S video recording.

Fast hybrid AF with phase-detection – 30% faster than α7.

Jual Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Toko Kamera Surabaya Jakarta

This fast hybrid autofocus system utilizes 117 phase-detection points and 25 contrast-detection points. Updated from the α7, this new autofocus algorithm improves subject-tracking performance and focusing speed by approximately 30%.

Utilizes Sony’s E-mount lens system.

Jual Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Toko Kamera Surabaya Jakarta

Take advantage of the growing family of E-mount lenses, including G Series and ZEISS®. The E-mount lens system is particularly well-suited for video shooting, with a variety of models containing “movie-friendly” features like smooth focusing, powered zoom control and silent iris/aperture control.

High contrast, 2.4-million dot OLED EVF for eye-level framing.

Jual Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Toko Kamera Surabaya Jakarta

View every scene in rich detail with the XGA OLED Tru-Finder, which features OLED improvements and 3-lens optical system. The viewfinder faithfully displays what will appear in your recording, including the effects of your camera settings, so you can accurately monitor the results. You’ll enjoy rich tonal gradations and high-end features like 100% frame coverage, a wide viewing angle, and more.

Record Full HD in XAVC S format up to 50Mb/s

Jual Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Toko Kamera Surabaya Jakarta

The Sony A7 Mark II adopts the high bitrate, workflow-friendly XAVC S recording format in addition to AVCHD and MP4 codecs. XAVC S format allows for Full HD recording at a data rate of 50 mbps with lower compression for improved video quality. The α7II can record Full HD (1920×1080) at frame rates of 60p, 60i, 30p and 24p directly to a compatible memory card. Video modes can be changed from full-frame to APS-C (super 35mm equivalent) if desired, which best matches video captured on Super 35 cameras.

3″ LCD screen tilts up and down for easy high and low-angle framing.

Jual Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Toko Kamera Surabaya Jakarta

The tiltable 3” (1,229k dots) Xtra Fine™ LCD Display makes it easy to photograph over crowds, or low to capture pets eye-to-eye by swinging up approx. 90° and down approx. 45°. Easily scroll through menus and preview life thanks to WhiteMagic™ technology that dramatically increases visibility in bright daylight. The large display delivers brilliant-quality still images and movies while enabling easy focusing operation.

Simple connectivity to smartphones via Wi-Fi®/NFC.

Jual Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Toko Kamera Surabaya Jakarta

Connectivity with smartphones for One-touch sharing/One-touch remote has been simplified with Wi-Fi®/NFC control. In addition to Wi-Fi support for connecting to smartphones, α7II also supports NFC (near field communication) providing “one-touch connection” convenience when transferring images to Android™ smartphones and tablets with NFC. Simply touch devices to connect.

Tether your camera to a PC for Remote Camera Control.

Jual Kamera Mirrorless Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS Toko Kamera Surabaya Jakarta

Remote Camera Control allows you to control your Sony A7 Mark II from your PC and transfer files using a USB cable. Feature control has also been updated to include video capture control.

Additional information

Weight 1.7 kg

19 reviews for Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS

4.9 Rating
1-5 of 19 reviews
  1. okkeehh boss nih kamera memiliki resolusi 24.3MP dimana kualitas hasil fotonya setara dengan kamera DSLR seri profesional.

  2. walaupun agak berat tapi genggaman kameranya nyaman dan yang gua sukai dari kamera ini ialah ia punya sensor 24MP.

  3. walaupun agak berat tapi genggaman kameranya nyaman dan yang gua sukai dari kamera ini ialah ia punya sensor 24MP.

  4. walaupun agak berat tapi genggaman kameranya nyaman dan yang gua sukai dari kamera ini ialah ia punya sensor 24MP.

  5. suka sama desain bodinya. kualitas gambar nya fantastis bagus banget fitur nya juga banyak. gampang buat dipahami

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Spesifikasi Sony A7 Mark II Kit FE 28-70mm

Lens Mount Sony E-Mount
Camera Format Full-Frame
Pixels Actual: 24.7 Megapixel
Effective: 24.3 Megapixel
Max Resolution 24 MP: 6000 x 4000
Aspect Ratio 3:2, 16:9
Sensor Type / Size CMOS, 35.8 x 23.9 mm
File Formats Still Images: JPEG, RAW
Movies: AVCHD Ver. 2.0, MPEG-4, XAVC S
Audio: AAC LC, Dolby Digital 2ch, Linear PCM (Stereo)
Bit Depth 14-bit
Dust Reduction System Yes
Memory Card Type SDXC
Memory Stick PRO Duo (High Speed)
Memory Stick PRO HG-Duo
Memory Stick XC-HG Duo
Image Stabilization Sensor-Shift, 5-Way

AV Recording
Video Recording Yes
Resolution 1920 x 1080: 60 fps, 30 fps, 24 fps
1440 x 1080: 30 fps
640 x 480: 30 fps
Video Format XAVC S
1920 x 1080p / 60 fps (50 Mbps)
1920 x 1080p / 30 fps (50 Mbps)
1920 x 1080p / 24 fps (50 Mbps)
1920 x 1080p / 60 fps (28 Mbps)
1920 x 1080i / 60 fps (24 Mbps)
1920 x 1080i / 60 fps (17 Mbps)
1920 x 1080p / 24 fps (24 Mbps)
1920 x 1080p / 24 fps (17 Mbps)
1440 x 1080 / 30 fps (12 Mbps)
640 x 480 / 30 fps (3 Mbps)
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Video Clip Length Up to 29 Minutes
Audio Recording Built-in Mic: With Video, Stereo

Focus Control
Focus Type Auto
Focus Mode Continuous-servo AF (C), Direct Manual Focus (DMF), Manual Focus (M), Single-servo AF (S)
Autofocus Points Phase Detection:117
Contrast Detection:25

Viewfinder Type Electronic
Viewfinder Size 0.5″
Viewfinder Pixel Count 2,359,296
Viewfinder Eye Point 27.00 mm
Viewfinder Coverage 100%
Viewfinder Magnification Approx. 0.71x
Diopter Adjustment – 4 to +3 m
Display Screen 3″  Tilting  LCD (1,228,800)
Screen Coverage 100%

Exposure Control
ISO Sensitivity 100-25600 (Extended Mode: 50-25600)
Shutter Type: Electronic & Mechanical
Speed: 1/8000 – 30 second,  Bulb Mode
Metering Method Center-weighted average metering, Multi-zone metering, Spot metering
Exposure Modes Modes: Aperture Priority, Auto, Manual, Programmed Auto, Scene Selection, Shutter Priority, Sweep Panorama
Metering Range: EV -1.0 – EV 20.0
Compensation: -5 EV to +5 EV (in 1/3 or 1/2 EV steps)
White Balance Modes Auto, Cloudy, Color Temperature, Color Temperature Filter, Custom, Daylight, Flash, Fluorescent (Cool White), Fluorescent (Day White), Fluorescent (Daylight), Fluorescent (Warm White), Incandescent, Shade, Underwater
Burst Rate Up to 5 fps at 24 MP for up to 50 frames

Flash Modes Auto
Hi-Speed Sync
Rear Sync
Red-eye Reduction
Slow Sync
Built-in Flash No
Max Sync Speed 1 / 250 seconds
Flash Compensation -3 EV to +3 EV (in 1/3 or 1/2 EV steps)
Dedicated Flash System P-TTL
External Flash Connection Hot Shoe

Continuous Shooting Up to 5 fps
Self Timer 10 seconds, 2 seconds
Number of Shots: 1-5
Interval Recording No
Internal Memory None
Connectivity 1/8″ Headphone, 1/8″ Microphone, HDMI D (Micro), Micro-USB, Multi Interface Terminal
Wi-Fi Capable Yes

Battery 1x NP-FW50 Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery Pack1020 mAh
AC Power Adapter AC-PW20 (Optional)

Dimensions (WxHxD) 5.0 x 3.8 x 2.4″ / 126.9 x 95.7 x 59.7 mm
Weight 1.22 lb / 556 g

Spesifikasi Lensa FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS

Kit Lens
Focal Length 28 - 70mm
Comparable APS-C Focal Length: 42 - 105 mm
Aperture Maximum: f/3.5 - 5.6
Minimum: f/22 - 36
Angle of View 75° - 34°
APS-C Picture Angle: 54° - 23°
Minimum Focus Distance 11.81" (.3 m)
Magnification 0.19x
Maximum Reproduction Ratio 1:5.26
Elements/Groups 9/8
Diaphragm Blades 7, Rounded
Autofocus Yes
Image Stabilization Yes
Filter Thread Front: 55 mm
Dimensions (DxL) Approx. 2.85 x 3.27" (72.5 x 83 mm)
Weight 10.41 oz (295 g)

1 pcs - Sony Alpha A7 mark II Mirrorless Digital Camera
1 pcs - Lensa FE 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS
1 pcs - NP-FW50 Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery Pack1020 mAh
1 pcs - Eye Piece
1 pcs - AC Adapter AC-PW20
1 pcs - Micro USB Cable
1 pcs - Neck Strap
1 pcs - Limited 1-Year Warranty

- Jatim : 1-3 Hari

- Jateng & Yogyakarta : 1-4 Hari

- Jabar : 1-4 hari

- Jabodetabek : 2-4 Hari

- Bali : 2-4 Hari

- Nusa Tenggara : 2-6 hari

- Sumatera ; 2-6 Hari

- Kalimantan : 2-6 Hari

- Sulawesi : 2-7 Hari

- Maluku & Papua : 2-7 Hari

NB: Lama pengiriman akan bertambah 7-10 hari kerja, jika unit terdapat baterai