PolarPro Frame2.0-FPV Quadcopter Filter 3-Pack

Rp 720.000

  • Ultra-Light weight filters (6.7g) for filming with gimbals
  • Filters protect GoPro lens while filming outside housing
  • Compatible with GoPro Hero3/3+/4 (when outside housing)
  • Includes Polarizer (Lightest), 2-Stop ND (Mid), 3-Stop ND (Darkest)

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PolarPro Frame2.0-FPV Quadcopter Filter 3-Pack

Tingkatkan kualitas rekaman aerial video GoPro Anda dengan PolarPro Frame2.0-FPV Quadcopter Filter 3-Pack. Paket ini sudah termasuk filer polarizer, 2-stop neutral density filter, and 3-stop neutral density filter yang kompatibel dengan GoPro HERO3, HERO3 +, atau kamera HERO4. PolarPro Frame2.0-FPV Quadcopter Filter Menawarkan berbagai tingkat pengurangan cahaya, filter ini berguna untuk memperlambat kecepatan shutter GoPro, sehingga “looking motion” nya akan terlihat lebih halus dan membantu mengurangi penampakan dari rolling shutter. Semua Filter ini mempunyai fitur “lensa kaca” untuk kualitas gambar yang optimal dan tahan gores, desain yang minimalis, dan ringan di hanya 0,24 ons untuk digunakan dengan kebanyakan sistem gimbal bermotor.

Spesifikasi PolarPro Frame2.0-FPV Quadcopter Filter 3-Pack :

  • Ultra-Light weight filters (6.7g) for filming with gimbals
  • Filters protect GoPro lens while filming outside housing
  • Compatible with GoPro Hero3/3+/4 (when outside housing)
  • Includes Polarizer (Lightest), 2-Stop ND (Mid), 3-Stop ND (Darkest)
  • Glass lenses for optimal image clarity and scratch resistance

Deskripsi lanjutan (English) :

The PolarPro Frame2.0-FPV Quadcopter Filter 3-Pack is the ultimate filter kit for quadcopter and filming outside the GoPro housing. Included in this kit are Polarizer Filter, 2-Stop neutral density filter, and a 3-Stop neutral density filter. These filters not only improve image quality they also protect your GoPro lens while outside of the housing. These filters were designed to be extremely low profile and ultra-light, weighing only 6.7 grams which is perfect for most gimbals.

Polarizer Filter (Lightest Shade)

The Polarizer Filter is perfect for reducing glare, and improving color saturation. When filming from a quadcopter, a large amount of light is reflected back up towards the camera, the Polarizer will reduce the amount of glare bouncing off the ground, leaving behind the most crisp footage possible. The Polarizer can also be used to slow down the cameras shutter speed by 1.6 stops. For night photos this can be especially useful in slowing down the Hero4’s shutter speed.

Neutral Density 2-Stop (Mid Shade)

This is probably the most common filter for filming outdoors or from the sky. The 2-stop ND filter reduces the cameras shutter speed by 2-stops which smoothes out quadcopter video, by reducing rolling shutter (commonly referred to as the Jell-O effect). The 2-Stop ND is also used for reducing lens flare while shooting into the sun or toning down highlights while filming outdoors. We usually use the 2-Stop ND filter when it is partly cloudy, and during the early morning or evening hours. This filter can also be used to slow down the shutter speed while shooting in Night Mode on the Hero4 for more balanced exposures.

Neutral Density 3-Stop (Darkest Shade)

The 3-Stop ND filter is designed for filming in very bright conditions. This ND filter will reduce severe Jell-O effect (i.e. rolling shutter), smoothing out high vibration quadcopter footage. We use the 3-Stop ND filter when filming during the middle of a sunny day or to reduct the shutter speed to create motion blur.

Includes in PolarPro Frame2.0-FPV Quadcopter Filter 3-Pack: 

  • Polarizer Filter
  • Neutral Density 2-Stop
  • Neutral Density 3-Stop

Comparison Video

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Polar Pro Filter mengkhususkan diri dalam pembuatan aksesoris untuk GoPro Kamera. Kami terus memperluas lini produk kami untuk meningkatkan pengalaman syuting.

Polar Pro ® dimulai di University of California, Santa Barbara pada bulan Oktober 2011 dengan filter polarizer kecil. Kami telah mengalami pertumbuhan eksponensial dan mengembangkan produk yang lebih halus di sepanjang jalan. Pengenalan seri filter snap-on adalah titik balik besar bagi kami pada tahun 2012. Ini adalah pertama kalinya seseorang dengan GoPro cepat bisa menghapus dan melampirkan filter, aplikasi penyaring terbaik untuk GoPro Camera.

Setelah lulus dari UCSB kami pindah kembali ke rumah dan mendirikan markas permanen di Newport Beach, California

Karyawan kami terus melakukan syuting, pengujian, dan meneliti ide-ide baru untuk meningkatkan proses syuting dengan kamera yang paling populer di pasar. Budaya perusahaan kami adalah muda dan inovatif dengan karyawan mulai dari snowboarders profesional, peselancar berbakat, penyelam avid, dan adrenalin pencari skydivers. Kami berharap dapat meningkatkan video Anda dan kami berharap dapat melihat Anda berselancar northside dari Huntington Beach pier.


Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg


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