FujiFilm X-T5 Body Only (Silver)

Rp 27.999.000

  • 40MP APS-C X-Trans CMOS 5 HR BSI Sensor
  • 4K 60p, 6.2K 30p 4:2:2 10-Bit Video
  • 7-Stop In-Body Image Stabilization
  • 425-Point Intelligent Hybrid AF System
  • 3.69m-Dot OLED Electronic Viewfinder
  • 3″ 1.84m-Dot Tilting Touchscreen LCD
  • 20 fps E. Shutter, 15 fps Mech. Shutter
  • 160MP Pixel Shift Multi-Shot
  • Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Connectivity
  • ProRes & Blackmagic RAW via HDMI

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FujiFilm X-T5 Body Only (Silver)

FujiFilm X-T5 Body Only (Silver) memiliki fitur sensor APS-C X-Trans CMOS 5 HR BSI 40MP yang baru dikembangkan untuk hasil yang menakjubkan. Dengan ukuran yang sebanding dengan X-T1 asli dan lebih ringan dari pendahulunya, kamera ini menyediakan tata letak klasik berbasis dial dan teknologi mutakhir yang mencakup sistem stabilisasi gambar dalam tubuh tujuh-stop, mode Pixel Shift Multi-Shot untuk file 160MP, dan kecepatan rana yang membekukan aksi hingga 1/180.000 detik dari rana elektronik. Selain rangkaian kemampuan stills yang serbaguna, X-T5 juga merupakan mesin pembuat film yang sangat mumpuni, merekam hingga 6.2K dalam warna 4: 2: 2 10-bit secara internal atau 12-bit ProRes RAW dan Blackmagic RAW melalui HDMI.

Sensor APS-C X-Trans CMOS 5 HR BSI 40MP

Menawarkan kualitas gambar terbaik, X-T5 memiliki sensor X-Trans 5 HR CMOS 40MP dalam bodi yang ringkas dan ringan yang memaksimalkan fungsionalitas dan portabilitas. Performa pencitraan sama sekali tidak terganggu oleh proporsi kamera yang kecil. Sebaliknya, algoritma pemrosesan gambar X-T5 yang ditingkatkan memberikan hasil yang luar biasa dan dikemas dengan detail tepat di seluruh rentang ISO asli.

Kemampuan Video yang Kuat

Kamera dinamis dengan fungsi video yang kuat, film dapat direkam secara internal hingga 6.2K pada 30p dalam warna 4: 2: 2 10-bit, ditambah ada mode 4K HQ yang oversampling rekaman 6.2K untuk output 4K superior. Resolusi video yang lebih tinggi ini membuka fungsionalitas zoom digital 2x, memberikan keserbagunaan tambahan di dalam kamera tanpa penurunan kualitas yang nyata.

Perekaman Mentah Eksternal

Perekaman F-Log dan F-Log2 dimungkinkan, dengan perekaman F-Log2 memberikan rentang dinamis yang diperluas hingga 13+ stop. Selain itu, ProRes RAW 12-bit dan Blackmagic RAW dapat di-output melalui HDMI ke perangkat Atomos dan Blackmagic.
Sistem AF Hibrida Cerdas 425 Titik
Menampilkan kinerja autofokus yang luar biasa, X-T5 menggunakan 425 titik phase-detection dan sekarang sensitif hingga -7 EV untuk bekerja dalam kondisi cahaya yang benar-benar rendah. Selain itu, didukung oleh pembelajaran mendalam, algoritme adaptif AI berarti sistem pemfokusan ini lebih cocok untuk secara otomatis mendeteksi dan melacak hewan, atlet, burung, mobil, sepeda motor, dan subjek yang bergerak.

Sistem AF Hibrida Cerdas 425 Titik

Menampilkan kinerja autofokus yang luar biasa, X-T5 menggunakan 425 titik phase-detection dan sekarang sensitif hingga -7 EV untuk bekerja dalam kondisi cahaya yang benar-benar rendah. Selain itu, didukung oleh pembelajaran mendalam, algoritme adaptif AI berarti sistem pemfokusan ini lebih cocok untuk secara otomatis mendeteksi dan melacak hewan, atlet, burung, mobil, sepeda motor, dan subjek yang bergerak.

Stabilisasi Gambar Dalam Tubuh

Berkat sistem in-body image stabilization (IBIS) kamera, goyangan kamera yang merusak kualitas dapat diminimalkan. Stabilisasi gambar sensor-shift 5-sumbu built-in membantu meminimalkan penampilan goyangan kamera hingga 7 stop. Sistem ini bekerja bersama dengan sebagian besar lensa Seri X, termasuk lensa yang tidak distabilkan, dan bermanfaat untuk bekerja dengan kecepatan rana yang lebih lambat dan ketika memotret dalam kondisi pencahayaan yang sulit. Selain itu, stabilisasi gambar digital juga dapat digunakan selama perekaman video untuk membantu lebih jauh dalam memantapkan rekaman, khususnya apabila merekam sambil menggenggam kamera.

Pixel Shift Multishot

Memanfaatkan sistem IBIS kamera untuk menggeser sensor secara tepat, Pixel Shift Multishot secara otomatis merekam 20 frame terpisah dengan sekali tekan pelepasan rana. File yang dihasilkan digabungkan menggunakan perangkat lunak Pixel Shift Combiner untuk melipatgandakan resolusi kamera dan menghasilkan file 160MP yang kaya detail. Sempurna untuk aplikasi komersial atau pengarsipan digital, kamera ini juga ideal untuk subjek statis apa pun yang mengutamakan kualitas gambar.

FujiFilm X-T5 Body Only (Black) memberikan kinerja pembuatan gambar yang kuat untuk memastikannya siap beraksi, tidak peduli seberapa cepat subjek Anda bergerak. Kecepatan rana elektronik tertinggi 1/180.000 detik dan kecepatan rana mekanis maksimum 1/8000 detik akan menghentikan subjek apa pun di jalurnya, sementara waktu jeda hanya 35 ms memberikan respons yang hampir seketika ketika pelepas rana ditekan. Dengan menekan satu jari, X-T5 akan merekam gambar hingga 15 fps dengan rana mekanis, atau 20 fps dengan rana elektronik. Apa pun itu, tidak ada momen penting yang akan terlewatkan.

Mode Simulasi Film

Mode Simulasi Film memungkinkan Anda untuk mereproduksi tampilan dan nuansa beberapa jenis film FUJIFILM, termasuk Provia, Velvia, Astia, Classic Chrome, PRO Neg.Std, PRO Neg. Hi, Classic Neg., Nostalgic Neg., Eterna Cinema, Eterna Bleach Bypass, Acros, Acros + Ye Filter, Acros + R Filter, Acros + G Filter, Hitam & Putih, Hitam & Putih + Ye Filter, Hitam & Putih + R Filter, Hitam & Putih + G Filter, dan Sepia.

Desain Bodi yang Disempurnakan

Jendela bidik elektronik OLED besar menampilkan resolusi 3,69m-dot yang tajam untuk tampilan tingkat mata yang cerah, jernih, dan detail. Selain itu, EVF ini menawarkan pembesaran 0,8x untuk gambar yang mudah dilihat, yang selanjutnya disempurnakan dengan penekanan paralaks dan distorsi yang lebih baik dibandingkan pendahulunya. Sementara itu, refresh rate 100 fps memungkinkan pembuatan gambar yang nyaris bebas blackout.
Layar sentuh LCD 3,0″ 1,62m-dot yang besar untuk pengoperasian dan pemutaran yang intuitif, dan desain miring sangat bermanfaat untuk bekerja dari sudut pemotretan tinggi dan rendah.
Memanfaatkan baterai NP-W235, hingga 680 frame dapat direkam dari satu kali pengisian daya, ditambah rana mekanis menjamin 500.000 aktivasi, memberikan akurasi dan keandalan jangka panjang.


  • Port Micro-HDMI untuk mengeluarkan video ke perekam atau monitor eksternal.
  • Port USB 3.2 Gen 2 mendukung penambatan, transfer data, dan pengisian daya baterai dalam kamera.
  • Port mikrofon eksternal 3,5mm untuk kontrol yang lebih besar atas perekaman audio.
  • Port sinkronisasi PC untuk sinkronisasi flash.
  • Port jarak jauh 2,5mm untuk menggunakan pengendali jarak jauh berkabel.
  • Konektivitas Bluetooth dan Wi-Fi terintegrasi memungkinkan untuk berbagi gambar secara nirkabel ke perangkat seluler atau menggunakan perangkat untuk mengontrol kamera dari jarak jauh.

Isi dalam Box :

  • NP-W235S
  • AC-5VJ AC Power Adapter
  • USB Cable
  • Headphone Adapter
  • Shoulder Strap
  • Body Cap
  • Hot Shoe Cover
  • Sync Terminal Cover


Lens Mount
Sensor Resolution
Effective: 40.2 Megapixel
Image Sensor
23.5 x 15.6 mm (APS-C) CMOS
Image Stabilization
Sensor-Shift, 5-Axis
ISO Sensitivity Range
125 to 12,800 in Manual, Auto Mode (Extended: 80 to 51,200)
125 to 12,800 in Manual Mode (Extended: 125 to 25,600)
Continuous Shooting
Electronic Shutter
Up to 20 fps at 31.1 MP for up to 168 Frames (JPEG) / 23 Frames (Raw)
Electronic Shutter
Up to 13 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 163 Frames (JPEG) / 22 Frames (Raw)
Electronic Shutter
Up to 10 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 1000 Frames (JPEG) / 25 Frames (Raw)
Mechanical Shutter
Up to 15 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 119 Frames (JPEG) / 19 Frames (Raw)
Mechanical Shutter
Up to 10 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 1000 Frames (JPEG) / 19 Frames (Raw)
Mechanical Shutter
Up to 7 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 1000 Frames (JPEG) / 20 Frames (Raw)
Internal Recording Modes
H.264/H.265/MP4/MPEG-4 4:2:2 10-Bit
6240 x 3140 at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
DCI 4K (4096 x 2160) at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
UHD 4K (3840 x 2160) at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 720 Mb/s]
DCI 2K (2048 x 1080) at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
1920 x 1080 at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
2048 x 1080 at 100/200/240 fps [200 to 360 Mb/s]
1920 x 1080 at 100/200/240 fps [200 to 360 Mb/s]
External Recording Modes
4:2:2 10-Bit via HDMI
6240 x 3512 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97 fps
6240 x 3510 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97 fps
4096 x 2160 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps
3840 x 2160 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps
2048 x 1080 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps
1920 x 1080 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94/100/120 fps
Media/Memory Card Slot
Dual Slot: SD/SDHC/SDXC (UHS-II) [2 TB Maximum / V90 or Faster Recommended]
Video I/O
1 x Micro-HDMI (Unspecified Signal) Output
Audio I/O
1 x 1/8″ / 3.5 mm TRS Stereo Microphone (Plug-in Power) Input on Camera Body
Power I/O
1 x USB-C Input/Output
Other I/O
1 x 2.5 mm Sub-Mini (Camera Interface) Control
Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Bluetooth 4.2
Display Type
Tilting Touchscreen LCD
Battery Type
1 x NP-W235 Rechargeable Lithium-Ion (Approx. 580 Shots)
Lens Mount
Sensor Resolution
Effective: 40.2 Megapixel
Image Sensor
23.5 x 15.6 mm (APS-C) CMOS
Crop Factor
Image Stabilization
Sensor-Shift, 5-Axis
Built-In ND Filter
Capture Type
Stills & Video
Exposure Control
Shutter Type
Mechanical Focal Plane Shutter and Electronic Rolling Shutter
Shutter Speed
Mechanical Shutter
1/8000 to 30 Seconds in Program Mode
1/8000 to 30 Seconds in Aperture Priority Mode
1/8000 to 15 Minutes in Shutter Priority Mode
1/8000 to 15 Minutes in Manual Mode
Up to 60 Minutes in Bulb Mode
Electronic Shutter
1/180000 to 30 Seconds in Program Mode
1/180000 to 30 Seconds in Aperture Priority Mode
1/180000 to 15 Minutes in Shutter Priority Mode
1/180000 to 15 Minutes in Manual Mode
Fixed 1 Second in Bulb Mode
Electronic Front Curtain Shutter
1/8000 to 30 Seconds in Program Mode
1/8000 to 30 Seconds in Aperture Priority Mode
1/8000 to 15 Minutes in Shutter Priority Mode
1/8000 to 15 Minutes in Manual Mode
Up to 60 Minutes in Bulb Mode
Bulb/Time Mode
Bulb Mode
ISO Sensitivity Range
125 to 12,800 in Manual, Auto Mode (Extended: 80 to 51,200)
125 to 12,800 in Manual Mode (Extended: 125 to 25,600)
Metering Method
Average, Center-Weighted Average, Multi-Zone, Spot
Exposure Modes
Aperture Priority, Manual, Program, Shutter Priority
Exposure Compensation
-5 to +5 EV (1/3 EV Steps)
White Balance
2500 to 10,000K
Presets: Auto, Custom 1, Custom 2, Daylight, Fluorescent, Shade, Tungsten, Underwater
Continuous Shooting
Electronic Shutter
Up to 20 fps at 31.1 MP for up to 168 Frames (JPEG) / 23 Frames (Raw)
Electronic Shutter
Up to 13 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 163 Frames (JPEG) / 22 Frames (Raw)
Electronic Shutter
Up to 10 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 1000 Frames (JPEG) / 25 Frames (Raw)
Mechanical Shutter
Up to 15 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 119 Frames (JPEG) / 19 Frames (Raw)
Mechanical Shutter
Up to 10 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 1000 Frames (JPEG) / 19 Frames (Raw)
Mechanical Shutter
Up to 7 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 1000 Frames (JPEG) / 20 Frames (Raw)
Interval Recording
2/10-Second Delay
Still Image Capture
Image Sizes
7728 x 5152
5472 x 3648
3888 x 2592
5152 x 5152
3648 x 3648
2592 x 2592
7728 x 4344
5472 x 3080
3888 x 2184
Aspect Ratio
1:1, 3:2, 16:9
Image File Format
Bit Depth
Video Capture
Internal Recording Modes
H.264/H.265/MP4/MPEG-4 4:2:2 10-Bit
6240 x 3140 at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
DCI 4K (4096 x 2160) at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
UHD 4K (3840 x 2160) at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 720 Mb/s]
DCI 2K (2048 x 1080) at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
1920 x 1080 at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
2048 x 1080 at 100/200/240 fps [200 to 360 Mb/s]
1920 x 1080 at 100/200/240 fps [200 to 360 Mb/s]
External Recording Modes
4:2:2 10-Bit via HDMI
6240 x 3512 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97 fps
6240 x 3510 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97 fps
4096 x 2160 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps
3840 x 2160 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps
2048 x 1080 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps
1920 x 1080 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94/100/120 fps
Gamma Curve
Recording Limit
Not Specified by Manufacturer
Broadcast Output
IP Streaming
Built-In Microphone Type
Audio Recording
MOV: 2-Channel 24-Bit 48 kHz
MPEG4: 2-Channel 24-Bit 48 kHz LPCM Audio
MP4: 2-Channel AAC Audio
Media/Memory Card Slot
Dual Slot: SD/SDHC/SDXC (UHS-II) [2 TB Maximum / V90 or Faster Recommended]
Video I/O
1 x Micro-HDMI (Unspecified Signal) Output
Audio I/O
1 x 1/8″ / 3.5 mm TRS Stereo Microphone (Plug-in Power) Input on Camera Body
Power I/O
1 x USB-C Input/Output
Other I/O
1 x 2.5 mm Sub-Mini (Camera Interface) Control
Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Bluetooth 4.2
Mobile App Compatible
Yes: Android & iOS
Functionality: Access Stored Files, Adjust Settings, Firmware Update, Remote Control, Setup, View Live Feed
Global Positioning (GPS, GLONASS, etc.)
Display Size
1,840,000 Dot
Display Type
Tilting Touchscreen LCD
Built-In Electronic (OLED)
3,690,000 Dot
Eye Point
24 mm
Approx. 0.8x
Diopter Adjustment
-5 to +3
Focus Type
Auto and Manual Focus
Focus Mode
Continuous-Servo AF, Manual Focus, Single-Servo AF
Autofocus Points
Photo, Video
Contrast Detection, Phase Detection: 425
Built-In Flash/Light
Flash Modes
Auto, Commander, First-Curtain Sync, Manual, Off, Second-Curtain Sync, Slow Sync
Maximum Sync Speed
1/250 Second
Dedicated Flash System
External Flash Connection
PC Terminal
Operating Temperature
22 to 72°F / -10 to 40°C
Operating Humidity
10 to 80%
Battery Type
1 x NP-W235 Rechargeable Lithium-Ion (Approx. 580 Shots)
PoE Support
Shoe Mount
1 x Hot Shoe
Tripod Mounting Thread
1 x 1/4″-20 Female (Bottom)
Dimensions (W x H x D)
5.1 x 3.6 x 2.5″ / 129.5 x 91 x 63.8 mm
19.6 oz / 557 g (With Battery, Recording Media)
16.8 oz / 476 g (Body Only)
Packaging Info
Package Weight
2.48 lb
Box Dimensions (LxWxH)
7.4 x 7.2 x 5.6″

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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Lens Mount
Sensor Resolution
Effective: 40.2 Megapixel
Image Sensor
23.5 x 15.6 mm (APS-C) CMOS
Image Stabilization
Sensor-Shift, 5-Axis
ISO Sensitivity Range
125 to 12,800 in Manual, Auto Mode (Extended: 80 to 51,200)
125 to 12,800 in Manual Mode (Extended: 125 to 25,600)
Continuous Shooting
Electronic Shutter
Up to 20 fps at 31.1 MP for up to 168 Frames (JPEG) / 23 Frames (Raw)
Electronic Shutter
Up to 13 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 163 Frames (JPEG) / 22 Frames (Raw)
Electronic Shutter
Up to 10 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 1000 Frames (JPEG) / 25 Frames (Raw)
Mechanical Shutter
Up to 15 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 119 Frames (JPEG) / 19 Frames (Raw)
Mechanical Shutter
Up to 10 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 1000 Frames (JPEG) / 19 Frames (Raw)
Mechanical Shutter
Up to 7 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 1000 Frames (JPEG) / 20 Frames (Raw)
Internal Recording Modes
H.264/H.265/MP4/MPEG-4 4:2:2 10-Bit
6240 x 3140 at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
DCI 4K (4096 x 2160) at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
UHD 4K (3840 x 2160) at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 720 Mb/s]
DCI 2K (2048 x 1080) at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
1920 x 1080 at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
2048 x 1080 at 100/200/240 fps [200 to 360 Mb/s]
1920 x 1080 at 100/200/240 fps [200 to 360 Mb/s]
External Recording Modes
4:2:2 10-Bit via HDMI
6240 x 3512 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97 fps
6240 x 3510 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97 fps
4096 x 2160 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps
3840 x 2160 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps
2048 x 1080 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps
1920 x 1080 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94/100/120 fps
Media/Memory Card Slot
Dual Slot: SD/SDHC/SDXC (UHS-II) [2 TB Maximum / V90 or Faster Recommended]
Video I/O
1 x Micro-HDMI (Unspecified Signal) Output
Audio I/O
1 x 1/8" / 3.5 mm TRS Stereo Microphone (Plug-in Power) Input on Camera Body
Power I/O
1 x USB-C Input/Output
Other I/O
1 x 2.5 mm Sub-Mini (Camera Interface) Control
Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Bluetooth 4.2
Display Type
Tilting Touchscreen LCD
Battery Type
1 x NP-W235 Rechargeable Lithium-Ion (Approx. 580 Shots)


Lens Mount
Sensor Resolution
Effective: 40.2 Megapixel
Image Sensor
23.5 x 15.6 mm (APS-C) CMOS
Crop Factor
Image Stabilization
Sensor-Shift, 5-Axis
Built-In ND Filter
Capture Type
Stills & Video

Exposure Control

Shutter Type
Mechanical Focal Plane Shutter and Electronic Rolling Shutter
Shutter Speed
Mechanical Shutter
1/8000 to 30 Seconds in Program Mode
1/8000 to 30 Seconds in Aperture Priority Mode
1/8000 to 15 Minutes in Shutter Priority Mode
1/8000 to 15 Minutes in Manual Mode
Up to 60 Minutes in Bulb Mode
Electronic Shutter
1/180000 to 30 Seconds in Program Mode
1/180000 to 30 Seconds in Aperture Priority Mode
1/180000 to 15 Minutes in Shutter Priority Mode
1/180000 to 15 Minutes in Manual Mode
Fixed 1 Second in Bulb Mode
Electronic Front Curtain Shutter
1/8000 to 30 Seconds in Program Mode
1/8000 to 30 Seconds in Aperture Priority Mode
1/8000 to 15 Minutes in Shutter Priority Mode
1/8000 to 15 Minutes in Manual Mode
Up to 60 Minutes in Bulb Mode
Bulb/Time Mode
Bulb Mode
ISO Sensitivity Range
125 to 12,800 in Manual, Auto Mode (Extended: 80 to 51,200)
125 to 12,800 in Manual Mode (Extended: 125 to 25,600)
Metering Method
Average, Center-Weighted Average, Multi-Zone, Spot
Exposure Modes
Aperture Priority, Manual, Program, Shutter Priority
Exposure Compensation
-5 to +5 EV (1/3 EV Steps)
White Balance
2500 to 10,000K
Presets: Auto, Custom 1, Custom 2, Daylight, Fluorescent, Shade, Tungsten, Underwater
Continuous Shooting
Electronic Shutter
Up to 20 fps at 31.1 MP for up to 168 Frames (JPEG) / 23 Frames (Raw)
Electronic Shutter
Up to 13 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 163 Frames (JPEG) / 22 Frames (Raw)
Electronic Shutter
Up to 10 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 1000 Frames (JPEG) / 25 Frames (Raw)
Mechanical Shutter
Up to 15 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 119 Frames (JPEG) / 19 Frames (Raw)
Mechanical Shutter
Up to 10 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 1000 Frames (JPEG) / 19 Frames (Raw)
Mechanical Shutter
Up to 7 fps at 40.2 MP for up to 1000 Frames (JPEG) / 20 Frames (Raw)
Interval Recording
2/10-Second Delay

Still Image Capture

Image Sizes
7728 x 5152
5472 x 3648
3888 x 2592
5152 x 5152
3648 x 3648
2592 x 2592
7728 x 4344
5472 x 3080
3888 x 2184
Aspect Ratio
1:1, 3:2, 16:9
Image File Format
Bit Depth

Video Capture

Internal Recording Modes
H.264/H.265/MP4/MPEG-4 4:2:2 10-Bit
6240 x 3140 at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
DCI 4K (4096 x 2160) at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
UHD 4K (3840 x 2160) at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 720 Mb/s]
DCI 2K (2048 x 1080) at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
1920 x 1080 at 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps [50 to 360 Mb/s]
2048 x 1080 at 100/200/240 fps [200 to 360 Mb/s]
1920 x 1080 at 100/200/240 fps [200 to 360 Mb/s]
External Recording Modes
4:2:2 10-Bit via HDMI
6240 x 3512 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97 fps
6240 x 3510 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97 fps
4096 x 2160 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps
3840 x 2160 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps
2048 x 1080 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94 fps
1920 x 1080 up to 23.98/24.00/25/29.97/50/59.94/100/120 fps
Gamma Curve
Recording Limit
Not Specified by Manufacturer
Broadcast Output
IP Streaming
Built-In Microphone Type
Audio Recording
MOV: 2-Channel 24-Bit 48 kHz
MPEG4: 2-Channel 24-Bit 48 kHz LPCM Audio
MP4: 2-Channel AAC Audio


Media/Memory Card Slot
Dual Slot: SD/SDHC/SDXC (UHS-II) [2 TB Maximum / V90 or Faster Recommended]
Video I/O
1 x Micro-HDMI (Unspecified Signal) Output
Audio I/O
1 x 1/8" / 3.5 mm TRS Stereo Microphone (Plug-in Power) Input on Camera Body
Power I/O
1 x USB-C Input/Output
Other I/O
1 x 2.5 mm Sub-Mini (Camera Interface) Control
Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Bluetooth 4.2
Mobile App Compatible
Yes: Android & iOS
Functionality: Access Stored Files, Adjust Settings, Firmware Update, Remote Control, Setup, View Live Feed
Global Positioning (GPS, GLONASS, etc.)


Display Size
1,840,000 Dot
Display Type
Tilting Touchscreen LCD


Built-In Electronic (OLED)
3,690,000 Dot
Eye Point
24 mm
Approx. 0.8x
Diopter Adjustment
-5 to +3


Focus Type
Auto and Manual Focus
Focus Mode
Continuous-Servo AF, Manual Focus, Single-Servo AF
Autofocus Points
Photo, Video
Contrast Detection, Phase Detection: 425


Built-In Flash/Light
Flash Modes
Auto, Commander, First-Curtain Sync, Manual, Off, Second-Curtain Sync, Slow Sync
Maximum Sync Speed
1/250 Second
Dedicated Flash System
External Flash Connection
PC Terminal


Operating Temperature
22 to 72°F / -10 to 40°C
Operating Humidity
10 to 80%


Battery Type
1 x NP-W235 Rechargeable Lithium-Ion (Approx. 580 Shots)
PoE Support
Shoe Mount
1 x Hot Shoe
Tripod Mounting Thread
1 x 1/4"-20 Female (Bottom)
Dimensions (W x H x D)
5.1 x 3.6 x 2.5" / 129.5 x 91 x 63.8 mm
19.6 oz / 557 g (With Battery, Recording Media)
16.8 oz / 476 g (Body Only)

Packaging Info

Package Weight
2.48 lb
Box Dimensions (LxWxH)
7.4 x 7.2 x 5.6"

Isi dalam Box :


  • NP-W235S

  • AC-5VJ AC Power Adapter

  • USB Cable

  • Headphone Adapter

  • Shoulder Strap

  • Body Cap

  • Hot Shoe Cover

  • Sync Terminal Cover

- Jatim : 1-3 Hari

- Jateng & Yogyakarta : 1-4 Hari

- Jabar : 1-4 hari

- Jabodetabek : 2-4 Hari

- Bali : 2-4 Hari

- Nusa Tenggara : 2-6 hari

- Sumatera ; 2-6 Hari

- Kalimantan : 2-6 Hari

- Sulawesi : 2-7 Hari

- Maluku & Papua : 2-7 Hari

NB: Lama pengiriman akan bertambah 7-10 hari kerja, jika unit terdapat baterai