Lens Tele Converter 2.2x 58mm

Rp 550.000


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Lens Tele Converter 2.2x 58mm

Capture better images of far-off subjects with the Optics Telephoto lens for digital cameras and camcorders. The 2.2x magnification allows you to bring your subject closer while you stay where you are. The 2.2x Tele-Converter is a front-mounting lens that provides greater telephoto reach. By adding the lens to the front of your camera lens, it extends the focal length and makes distant objects appear closer. Unlike digital magnification, this 2.2x optical conversion lens will not impair the image quality. 2.2x Telephoto Lens, High Definition Digital Lens, Optimized For Mega Pixel Photography, Extreme Speed Auto Focus, MultiCoated Optical Glass, 58mm Threading, Steel Barrel Design, Anti-Reflection Coating, Infrared Compatible, Includes Carrying Case.

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Weight 0.5 kg


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