Nikon AF-S 60mm f/2.8G ED Micro

Rp 7.499.000

  • F Mount Lens/FX Format
  • Aperture Range: f/2.8 to 32
  • 1:1 Magnification Ratio; Macro Close-Ups
  • One ED Glass and Two Aspherical Elements
  • Lihat : Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan

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Nikon AF-S 60mm f/2.8G ED Micro Lensa

The AF-S Micro-NIKKOR 60mm f/2.8G ED Lens provides an exceptional range of applications and high-quality performance. Compact and versatile, this lens is perfect for close-up, copy and general photography with a 1:1 reproduction ratio for life-size macro photography and a 7.3″ minimum focus distance. At just longer than a standard focal length, the lens is also useful for portraiture and short telephoto applications. When used on a DX-format DSLR, its 35mm focal length equivalence corresponds to a 90mm lens. The f/2.8 maximum aperture is effective for low-light imaging and provides shallow depth of field control.

jual Nikon AF-S 60mm f/2.8G ED Micro

Fitur Utama Nikon AF-S 60mm f/2.8G ED Micro

  • F Mount Lens/FX Format
  • Aperture Range: f/2.8 to 32
  • 1:1 Magnification Ratio; Macro Close-Ups
  • One ED Glass and Two Aspherical Elements
  • Nano Crystal & Super Integrated Coating
  • Silent Wave Motor AF System
  • Internal Focus; Manual Focus Override
  • Minimum Focus Distance: 7.3″
  • Filter Diameter: 62mm
  • Rounded 9-Blade Diaphragm

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Focal Length 60mm
Comparable 35mm Equivalent on DX Format Focal Length: 90 mm
Aperture Maximum: f/2.8
Minimum: f/32
Camera Mount Type Nikon F
Format Compatibility Nikon FX/35mm Film
Nikon DX
Angle of View 39° 40′
DX Picture Angle: 26° 30′
Minimum Focus Distance 7.28″ (18.49 cm)
Magnification 1x
Maximum Reproduction Ratio 1:1
Elements/Groups 12/9
Diaphragm Blades 9, Rounded
Image Stabilization No
Autofocus Yes
Tripod Collar No
Filter Thread Front:62 mm
Dimensions (DxL) Approx. 2.9 x 3.5″ (7.37 x 8.89 cm)
Weight 15 oz (425 g)



Q: Lensa untuk DSLR atau Mirrorless?
A: Untuk DSLR
Q: Apakah sudah dapat lenshood?
A: Sudah dapat lens hood
Q: Berapa diameter filter lensanya?
A: 62mm
Q: Garansi berapa tahun?
A: Garansi 1 tahun
Q: Apakah sudah ada IS?
A: Masih belum ada IS
Q: Lensa untuk APS-C atau Full-frame?
A: Untuk Full-frame
Q: Apakah bisa menghasilkan foto yang bokeh?
A: Hasil dari lensa ini lumayan bokeh

Ulasan Video Nikon AF-S 60mm f/2.8G ED Micro

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Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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