PolarPro Dive Housing Neutral Density Filter

Rp 470.000

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PolarPro Dive Housing Neutral Density Filter

PolarPro Dive Housing Neutral Density Filter memiliki berbagai pengaplikasian. Seperti ketika syuting dalam situasi kecepatan tinggi, filter memperlambat kecepatan shutter kamera, menciptakan blur berkecepatan tinggi. Pada hari-hari yang sangat terang, gunakan filter untuk mengurangi highlights. Penggunaan paling populer dari Netral Density filter adalah merapikan video ketika syuting di situasi High Vibration atau banyak guncangan (Jello-effect) seperti, pada saat memakai kendaraan atau quadcopter.

Deskripsi lengkap (English):

The Neutral Density filter is designed for filming outside of the Gopro waterproof housing, or when in the frame housing. The neutral density filter has a variety of applications. When filming in high-speed situations, the filter slows down the camera’s shutter speed, creating a high-speed motion blur. On extremely bright days, use the filter to tone down highlights. The most popular use of the Neutral Density filter is smoothing out the video when filming in high vibration (Jello-effect) situations such as, on a vehicle or quadcopter. This filter will simply reduce the shutter speed, and reduce the wobble/jello-effect while shooting from a quadcopter of high-vibration mount. This lightweight (10 grams) yet durable filter slides directly onto the camera lens with a snug, reliable fit. In addition this filter protects your exposed Gopro lens while filming outside the housing.


What does a Neutral Density Filter do?

A Neutral Density Filter or (ND Filter) is used to slow down the GoPro Camera’s very high shutter speed. The ND filter essentially tricks the camera into thinking there is less light in front of it, so the camera’s shutter speed is slowed down to compensate for the fake lower light levels. When the camera’s shutter speed is slowed, the subjects in your video will have a slight blur motion. This means that everything that is moving in the frame will have a slight blur to it, and everything not moving, will still be in focus. To better understand, just take a quick look at the comparison video.

Motorsports: An ND filter will completely transform your auto and motorcycle images and video. Usually the extremely fast GoPro shutter speed captures every little detail of the road, or the scenery, and gives the illusion that you are not moving at all. This Neutral Density filter will slow down the shutter speed and give the road and surroundings a smooth motion blur.

Aviation: The GoPro is also notorious for the rolling shutter when filming from an airplane. Rolling shutter causes the aerial video to have a jello effect or wobble. The jello effect can easily be corrected with our ND filter. The ND filter will blur the prop and make smooth out your aerial videos.

Quad Copter: In the last year filming with a quad copter has become very popular, Especially the DJI Phantom. The common issue with these is referred to as jello effect, caused by the Gopro’s rolling shutter, high shutter speeds, and vibration. This neutral density filter is the easiest way to fix rolling shutter and smooth out your quad copter videos.

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Polar Pro Filter mengkhususkan diri dalam pembuatan aksesoris untuk GoPro Kamera. Kami terus memperluas lini produk kami untuk meningkatkan pengalaman syuting.

Polar Pro ® dimulai di University of California, Santa Barbara pada bulan Oktober 2011 dengan filter polarizer kecil. Kami telah mengalami pertumbuhan eksponensial dan mengembangkan produk yang lebih halus di sepanjang jalan. Pengenalan seri filter snap-on adalah titik balik besar bagi kami pada tahun 2012. Ini adalah pertama kalinya seseorang dengan GoPro cepat bisa menghapus dan melampirkan filter, aplikasi penyaring terbaik untuk GoPro Camera.

Setelah lulus dari UCSB kami pindah kembali ke rumah dan mendirikan markas permanen di Newport Beach, California

Karyawan kami terus melakukan syuting, pengujian, dan meneliti ide-ide baru untuk meningkatkan proses syuting dengan kamera yang paling populer di pasar. Budaya perusahaan kami adalah muda dan inovatif dengan karyawan mulai dari snowboarders profesional, peselancar berbakat, penyelam avid, dan adrenalin pencari skydivers. Kami berharap dapat meningkatkan video Anda dan kami berharap dapat melihat Anda berselancar northside dari Huntington Beach pier.


Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg


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