SPINLIGHT 360 Gel Collection

Rp 590.000

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SPINLIGHT 360 Gel Collection

The Gel Collection includes 5 color correction gels, 15 color effect gels, 2 clear disks, reference cards, and a unique multi-functional clear storage case. All gels are made from high quality, industry-standard LEE filters and each gel is individually labeled with its name and f-stop loss for ease-of-use and reference. All the gels (and more) can be stored in the case provided.
The 15 color gels offer a broad range of colors to create customized backgrounds, change lighting moods, enhance skin tones and create theatrical lighting. The 5 color correction gels include a half-strength CTB (Color Temperature Blue), plus 3 CTO (Color Temperature Orange) in Full-, Half- and Quarter-Strength and a Plus Green cc30 filter.
The specially designed multi-functional clear storage case also attaches to the SpinLight 360® Ring Module just like the system’s other modifiers to provide three additional unique features:

  1. The user can attach the case to the Ring Module and place other items (e.g., colored glass or marbles, mirror fragments, etc.) into the clear case to create additional customized lighting effects.
  2. The case can be attached to the Ring Module over a gel to add a gel effect to the special effects.
  3. The SpinLight 360’s bounce cards can be attached to the Ring Module while the case is attached.

PLEASE NOTE: The gels in this system DO NOT work with the Original SpinLight 360®.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg


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